
genetic algorithm Natural Computing Quantum computing Random algorithm approximation algorithm Combination optimization Sorting algorithm Computability theory Algorithms and Data Structures Evolutionary Computing and Learning Advanced numerical algorithms Parallel and distributed algorithms Visualization algorithm for physical features Graphic drawing and graphic algorithms The Application of AI Algorithms in Physics fuzzy control pattern recognition Smart Communication machine learning intelligent control Information retrieval Big Data Services Big data encryption Intelligent automation Educational robots Modeling and Identification computer vision Big Data Toolkit Intelligent data processing Intelligent data processing Machine learning processing Artificial Intelligence Algorithm Intelligent tutoring system Hybrid intelligent system Intelligent System Architecture Big data analysis management Big Data Open Platform Basic Model of Big Data Intelligent database system Artificial Intelligence and Education Intelligent planning and scheduling Intelligent Computing and Chips The scientific application of big data Big data visualization analysis Innovation in Big Data Business Models Tools and systems for big data Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Artificial Intelligence Technology and Applications Intelligent and knowledge-based systems Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence Control Artificial Intelligence Tools and Applications Knowledge Science and Knowledge Engineering Machine Learning and Data Mining Machine perception and virtual reality Natural Language Processing and Understanding Neural Networks and Deep Learning Neural Networks and Complex Systems Pattern Recognition and Logic Programming Information retrieval and online search Intelligent Agents on the Internet Multimedia and Cognitive Informatics Intelligent Network Applications and Search Scientific research based on big data Big Data Search Algorithm and System Big data quality and source control Big data analysis and social media Computer Vision and Image Processing Data Mining and Machine Learning Tools Big data analysis, search and mining Big Data Application: Bioinformatics Network and Data Security and Privacy Protection Technologies, models, and algorithms of big data Big data hardware/software infrastructure Machine learning and big data artificial intelligence Other related topics can be submitted The Basic Theory and Application of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms and Programming Techniques for Big Data Processing Data Mining, Graph Mining, and Data Science Learning System Based on Intelligent Virtual Reality Big data analysis in mobile and ubiquitous computing All related topics are eligible for submission
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